Monday, April 22, 2013


The weather has been crappy this past week and then yesterday was beautiful! I got motivated! So I decided to start tearing apart a few pallets that I had collected for a shelving unit I want to make for my kitchen. I cut the boards to size and sanded them. I am making little crates that I will put together to create a shelf. I cut each board to 18" and using 2 x 2 boards I started putting them together. I finished one side of a crate and realized I was going to need a bunch more pallets. My lovely boyfriend decided to venture out and pick up a pile of pallets we saw weeks ago.

Now I just need to cut those and sand them.. I will post pictures once I get all my materials ready! Stay tuned. I know.. I start LOTS of projects without finishing them.. I really need to stop that! Hopefully more updates soon! Until then, thanks for reading!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

LovePeaceCreate is now on Facebook!

I just made my Facebook page! Click on the facebook link to the right or click here to visit my page and "like" it!! Thank you :-)

Friday, April 12, 2013

Goals Goals Goals

Oh man, I really haven't been keeping up with this blog like I wanted to! Well hopefully that will change soon. I decided I needed to sit down and start working on a list of short term and long term goals for myself. My sister and I went through the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and came up with goals for myself. I am going to share them with you :-)


Here is the list of goals I came up with that I would like to accomplish before the end of the year

*Lose 40 lbs or more
*exercise at least 2 times a week
*have a table at 1 craft show
*Commit to working 1 hour per day in my craft room
*Pay off bills
*schedule my yearly (TMI, I know.. sorry)
*Write on this blog 2 times a week


Here are goals that I would like to accomplish in the next 5 years

*join a craft/crochet/quilting club
*buy a new wardrobe in a smaller size ;-)
*get my hair professionally cut and colored
*buy a new bed
*buy a new car
*put in new floors throughout my house
*get married
*have more babies.. I can't wait for this one!

I think everybody should have a few goals. It helps to keep your life moving forward and gives you something to work for. That is all I have for now.. get writing your goals!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Cleaning up my Craft Room....

So the other day I decided it was time to organize and re arrange my craft room. It will make it SO much easier to work on things. It was really starting to get out of hand... I won't even show you a before picture. While organizing I decided to do some re-purposing. I had one of those "closet on wheels" things. It looks like this. I had a few 1/4 inch wooden dowels so I drilled holes into the side of the poles of the garment rack. I used the top of the rack to store my lace and then the wooden dowels I put ribbon on. Here is my final product

Looks pretty awesome!!!! After I finished that.. I saw the side to an old crib that I had held onto. I decided I would put my yard cuts of fabric on there. Here it is finished...

So far so good.... I still have a LONG way to go... I will update later. And then I will be able to get back to my other projects... like finishing my couch!!! haha. Have a great night everyone!